Senin, 23 Juli 2012

XII Social Wahid

I'll never forget them :D

it's our memories

in class we're laugh, cry, angry, hate, smile, joke, 
and we always never forgot our memories :)

Pendaftaran STAN

Hollaa Bloggers :D
pasti teman-teman semua sedang bingung serching di google kapan USM STAN dan Pendaftarannya akan di selenggarakan . Udah tanya-tanya guru, teman, tempat les dan si pintar google pun tak ada yg tahu mihihihi
Sebenarnya aku juga gak tahu hehehehe

Tapi aku punya sumber info terpercaya, kalian pasti punya Twitter kan ? yang gapunya mendingan bikin deh dari sekarang hihihi. Kalian Follow aja @usmstan atau langsung aja ke link ini :
akun ini akan memberi kalian informasi yg terjamin hehe
Dan kalau kalian ingin lebih tau banyak tentang STAN, dan bagaimana sistem Akademisnya kalian bisa ke website ini .
Dan yang aku tau USM STAN akan dilaksanakan antara bulan agustus atau september mungkin juga november jadi kalian harus siap-siap aja belajar yg rajin. Insya Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa akan memberikan yang terbaik buat hambanya yang bekerja keras dengan hasil yg setimpal :D

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012


This picture were taken when we're graduation, this party so awsome. And make us sad, because that day we'd seperated. 

Senior High School

Holla blogger ....
they're my friends in senior high school at 8 bogor
i'm on left, next Yola's, Indri's, Aida's, Nadia's, and one more of my bestfriend Rihana's, she's doesn't come to take picture with us (she's with he's boyfriend mihihi)
this picture take in when we've break
girl in front of me is Yola, she's my best chairmate ever,
we had 3 years been chairmate from grade one to three, #woow
she's very kind to me, she's smart and understand me hihi, (and she has a lot of fans hihi)
in the middle of picture Indri's, she's verry laugh and joking girl in the class huahahaha
and you know? she's very mischivous girl mihihi
on the right of indri is Aida, she's also my best ever friends with yola, we third almost together since grade one, she's beutiful and very kind friends, she's also crazy about korean hihi
and one last is Nadia, she's kind, fairly quit and sometimes she's mischivous like indri's
she's smart too, and she has long blackhair (its make me jealous :/)